This blog is dedicated to my husband who sees my imperfections and doesn't mention them.

I love trying new beauty products. Place me in a Sephora or Ulta store and I feel I am in paradise. For hours I can pleasantly entertain myself looking at the plethora of different shampoos, facial washes, makeup and perfumes, envisioning myself as a size 0 with glowing clear skin, no split ends, and being stopped by every man in America asking “What’s that scent you are wearing? (Ok, maybe not EVERY man)

One of my downfalls , as my mother will readily tell you, is that I am a sucker for cool packaging and intriguing ingredients. That inclination has resulted in trying hundreds of different products over the years – good and bad. Some products I have used ever since I was in college and I would rather exit the house with no makeup and hairy arm pits then see my fav end up on the proverbial chopping block. Others I have readily discarded vowing never again to be duped by flowery ingredients which deliver zero results.

Because of my “beauty product love”, I probably have more knowledge roaming around in my head than Wikipedia. So I decided to start this blog to share my adventures with you on the quest for beauty, giving my recommendations and warnings so your money can be well spent. The subject matter may be a tad vain, but ultimately every woman has an innate desire to look and feel her best and there is nothing wrong with that. Happy reading, and if you don’t come for my daily blabberings at least drop by for my contest giveaways that I hope to do every other month.

Jennifer Hudson's New Bod: Do You Respect It Or Resent It?

jennifer-hudson-oscars-2011.jpgAt a friend's Oscar party last night, a much-thinner Jennifer Hudson was the conversation topic of the evening. "She looks fabulous," one friend said. "Really stunning...and so thin!" The entire room nodded in agreement. However, as the moments passed and Jennifer continued to stand, statuesquely, on the interview platform, the dialogue about her brand new bod started to take on a different shape. "You know," the same friend began, "I think she might be toothin, you know? I liked her better when she was in the middle: not overweight, but not too skinny." This got me thinking about weight loss (and not in the stereotypical "how thin is too thin?" way).

A new study by two University of Delaware psychology professors found that women who were made to feel jealous became so distracted by unpleasant sentiments that they were unable to spot targets they were trying to find. In this way, the researchers argue that jealousy can actually be blinding. With these findings in the back of my mind, I started to wonder if this was the case with women's love/hate relationship with celebrity weight loss. Were women at the Oscar party, myself included, jealous of Jennifer's new form? Were we blind to her new, more attractive body because we just couldn't handle our subconscious envy? Or was there something larger at play here? In a culture where thin is always in, we can't help but feed the system with our own indulgences in "diet" this and "zero calorie" that. But when faced with a tangible representation of that obsession (a voluptuous Hudson turned a size 2), do we feel a bit ashamed of our own weight craze?

Are you jealous of Jennifer Hudson's new figure or do you think she's right on track for a Dream Girl bod?

Daily Beauty Reporter: Fat That Makes You Skinny
Daily Beauty Reporter: The New Fight Over Skinny
Daily Beauty Reporter: Is the Pressure to be Skinny Starting for Men?


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